Andiamo – Simply around the Atlantic
A dream, an idea becomes reality
After a ten-day holiday trip to the Swedish archipelago with my friend Valentin we made the 130nm return back to our home port Stralsund in one go - the first such long trip for Valentin. He had never been sailing so many miles in one go, even less overnight.
It was on this particular trip that I first told him about my dream: to sail off across the Atlantic and someday later around the world. My enthusiasm must have been contagious ...
It was merely one trip, one beer and one sunset that would make our families’ and friends‘ hair stand on end. An idea was born out of a dream that both of us, Valentin and I, absolutely wanted to become true. That was not easy at all because we hardly knew anything about the whole subject of blue water sailing. So first we started with reading – at least to some extent - and asked ourselves the most important questions:
- What do we want to do? ➟ Cross the Atlantic
- When do we want to do this? ➟ as quickly as possible
- How much time do we have? ➟ in theory forever, but we will go with a gap year, meaning one year, until we continue with our professional careers
- Will we be able to handle all the necessary preparations by then? ➟ Will be tight!
- Can we afford it? ➟ Will be tight too!
- So, can we make it? ➟ YES!!!
So, we started right away – with the preparations ...
I can share that much with you: We made everything »in time«. After 10 months of preparation we set off on the 18th August 2018 and started our journey. 10 months and some 11,000nm later we returned safe and sound with sheer endless impressions, priceless experiences and certainly more mature.
Read our blog! You will get insights into our incredible journey in the Caribbean. Be there with us on board: